“Default Deals” Review (by Peter Vekselman & Julie Muse)
Oh boy, I’m excited to share something awesome with you today — my very own review of the Default Deals by Peter Vekselman & Julie Muse. (Ok, so Peter, his biz partner Julie, and their Default Deals are “the” awesome, but my review is pretty sweet, if I do say so myself. And I just did.)
Hey, Patrick here, and I’m still pumped from an amazing experience I just had, working with Peter and Julie as they created their remarkable default real estate training program: Default Deals. And now, I want to share all the goods about Default Deals, why it’s so incredible, and some of the amazing stuff you’ll get from this one-of-a-kind training program.
Read on for the awesomeness…
This unique and easy-to-understand training details how newer investors and seasoned pros can bring in great REI profits all by following Peter’s straightforward default-driven deal process. You’ll easily find “Hot Pocket” areas loaded with deals across the good ole U. S. of A. See, for these default deals; unfortunately, people have fallen on hard times — like a pre-foreclosure situation, or they’ve received a notice of default and mortgage default, and even default tenant properties. But here’s the thing, using his baseline criteria, Peter teaches you how to help them — you put money in the pockets of people who are having difficulties by helping them get out of those difficulties. And, you get some sweet real estate Benjamins along the way.
Nice, right?
So yeah, I just know you’re gonna love Peter and Julie’s new Default Deals training program. I sure did!
See, this amazing program will show you how to tap into a perfect storm of deals in the market around you, simply by leveraging their experiences and insights to accelerate your growth and profits.
Heck yeah for that, amIright?!
You’re probably wondering: How?
Welp, glad you asked…
What is Default Deals anyway?

It’s all about default properties (duh), like loan defaults, homes in default, pre-foreclosures. And, Default Deals is for anyone who is or wants to get serious about real estate investing. Maybe you’re a hungry investor who’s ready to level-up and do more deals and make more money. Maybe you’re a newbie who simply needs to focus on this one default strategy — then rinse and repeat the Default Deals process, deal after deal. And payday after payday. Maybe you’re a smidge nervous and haven’t pulled the trigger on any REI action just yet. Well, if any of those describe you, now’s the time to learn from 2 seasoned dealmakers, who are quietly doing these deals all day every day.
If more deals and profits sound good to you — Peter’s training program is for you. (Yep, you!) Default Deals’ systematic approach, which is easy to follow (hooray!), walks you through manually and virtually finding default gold in “Hot Pocket” areas using 5 benchmarks, then teaches you how best to use each of the 3 kinds of Default Deals that you can structure in 4 different ways, then rounds it all out with a winning formula to close sellers and get paid.
See, Peter has been an active investor for 22+ years. And Julie’s been crushing REI since 2013. And they both LOVE teaching others how to kill it in their own real estate investing journey.
Default Deals by Peter Vekselman & Julie Muse is broken up into 5 main video presentations:
- Each module in the training series is packed with details and actionable info
- Modules’ videos and audios are easy to understand and digest — and thoroughly yet simply explain the Default Deals process in its entirety
- Extra: enjoy related media with bonus “Amplifier Training” sessions, resources, tools, scripts and more that give a nice boost to the core training
- Along with some pro tips and best practices, you’ll learn step-by-step, how to find these default deals, structure them, and of course, close ‘em to collect your greens
- And This: Peter’s done 3,600+ deals — and smiled all the way to the bank! Best of all: He and Julie are sharing their default strategy to help you do the same. (Aw shucks, they’re just the greatest!)
What Do I Get from Default Deals?
Well, in Default Deals, you’ll discover:
- Hot Pockets: Find markets across the U.S. filled with deals (not the food!).
- Zero In: Focus on this one profitable niche to grow your biz and do more deals.
- America: Default Deal opportunities are everywhere across the country.
- Marketing: Letters, postcards, etc.
- 4 Baseline Criteria: Hot pockets, SFRs, equity, max prop valuation in the median price range
- Pros: Seasoned investors can level-up their already rockin’ biz.
- 3 Kinds: Finding and connecting with 3 specific kinds of Default Deals.
- Find & Reach: Financing Defaults, Tenant Defaults, Transitional Defaults.
- Benjamins: Following this systematic approach allows you to do deal after deal with amazing profit.
- 4 Structures: Which to use & why each is awesome: wholesale, fix & flip, creative deals, wholetale.
- Connector: How to connect with sellers and establish rapport and trust.
- Financing: 3 great funding options.
- Pro Tips: Julie’s Gem of best practices.
- Wholesaling: The basics of this classic strategy.
- Closing 101: Quick and dirty deets about the closing process.
- Say What?: Phone call scripts and templates so you know exactly what to say.
- Convos: Simple “winning formula” when talking with sellers.
- NO!: How to handle seller objections.
- Wholesalers: Funding for double close, “short fuse,” and wholetale deals
- 5-3-9: 5 flavors of funding, 3 funding strategies, 9 simple steps to the closing table
- Easy Button: Peter’s Deal Driven app
- None of This: Mistakes to watch out for during the closing
- Get Paid: the surest route to the closing table and your payday
- More!: And tons more…
Bottom Line for Default Deals
So, Default Deals gives REIers everything you need to earn great money finding default-driven deals, structuring those deals, and closing. With Peter and Julie’s expert guidance, you can begin your own Default Deals journey right away.
The training breaks down the entire Default Deals process in a systematic way from beginning to end, enabling you to do deals throughout the U.S. You’ll help people get out of their sticky situations while earning serious money on their deals!
Take a gander at my brief but detailed video, reviewing this genius new training program — and you’ll see how you’ll be able to do deal after deal and bring in a lot of income.
Enjoy. ?
Default Deals by Peter Vekselman & Julie Muse

Peter Vekselman is a deal-maker! He’s also a master negotiator, trainer, and mentor. All good things. He’s been investing for 22+ years, with 3,600+ transactions, and he loves teaching others how to be successful in REI.
So, of course, he’s a skilled investor with tons of real-life deal experience AND he’s an incredibly honest and thoughtful guy, too. Full disclosure: He’s been through the School of Hard Knocks and tells us all about that tough time, so you can avoid his mistakes. Amazing, right?!
Just like Peter, Julie is passionate about teaching too. She began investing in 2013, then became Peter’s student — crushed it — and now works with Peter to help others level-up their investing business. Oh, and her 1,600+ deals with $5M in profits ain’t too shabby!
Peter and Julie are helping investors through the Default Deals process learning curve in a fast, easy-to-follow way. I strongly encourage you to embrace this remarkable opportunity.
With the Default Deals training, Peter and Julie distill down the whole Default Deals process, teaching you exactly how to find default-driven deals, structure them, connect and then close with sellers. In just about any U.S. market, you can achieve incredible success with this strategy. You’ll be killin’ the profitable niche of Default Deals — quickly and easily.
Do yourself a favor and check it out today — I’m pretty sure that Default Deals will be great for you.
If you think it’ll be a good fit for your REI business, take a look at the official press release about it here.
Category: Real Estate Investment Buying Strategies, Real Estate Investment Financing Strategies, Real Estate Investment Selling Strategies