Tag: david oswald

Do I Have to Wear All These Hats?

Do I Have to Wear All These Hats?

February 17, 2010

In today’s post, David “The Diamond” Oswald shares how to outsource effectively (aka pass out the hats) as a real estate investor … Do you remember when you started your real estate business, determined that you were not going to work for someone else anymore? What were you looking for? … the freedom to be […]

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2009: A Year in the Life of MustKnowInvesting.com

2009: A Year in the Life of MustKnowInvesting.com

December 29, 2009

Wow! It sure is amazing how time flies, isn’t it? Sooooo much has happened in only a year … 2009 Kicked off with the Creative Real Estate Solutions in Today’s Market Video Series, then MustKnowInvesting.com turned 1, Trevor Mauch and I launched our Private Money Blueprint System (Holy Cow! What an Undertaking!), the Battle of […]

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Know When To Hold ’em and When to Fold ’em

Know When To Hold ’em and When to Fold ’em

October 2, 2009

In today’s post, David “The Diamond” Oswald helps us understand when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em … When is it best to proceed with a deal and when is it better just to step away from it? I had a recent situation that inspired this article and decided to put it on […]

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Why Aren’t You Taking Action?

Why Aren’t You Taking Action?

August 27, 2009

In today’s post, David “The Diamond” Oswald tells us why soooo many people hesitate when it comes to taking action and what to about it . . . I was thinking the other day about how so many gurus and teachers consistently talk about how the key to success relies on  “taking action immediately.” So […]

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