4th Type of Person Most Likely to Be a Private Lender

April 10, 2009 | By | 2 Replies More

Private Money LendingIn a previous article, I discussed the . . .

3 Types of People Most Likely to Invest with You

1) People that know and trust you

These are your long term relationships . . . friends, family, etc.

2) People that know a good deal when they see one

Could be anyone whose profession is related to the real estate industry . . . real estate agents, mortgage brokers, home inspectors, appraisers, etc.

3) People that know people who have given you private money

This one is pretty simple . . . referrals. This is your best source once you get people in your program that have benefited from being a private lender.

For more info, read the full article, 3 Types of People Most Likely to Invest with You.

And now for the . . .

4th Type of Person Most Likely to Give You Private Money

When I started combing through my list of private lenders that I’ve cultivated over the years, I started to see another pattern. Another type of individual that’s a good prospect for becoming a private lender.

4) People that are self employed or own businesses

. . . and you know what, it makes perfect sense!

Many of my private lenders are in commission based jobs where they get paid based on results or own businesses themselves.

These people are not afraid to take risks, don’t rely on other people to do everything for them (like making investment decisions), and are actively on the look out for that next opportunity.

And best of all, these are typically the kind of people that are at all the networking events around town. People that know that the harder they work, the bigger network they create, the more opportunities that they take advantage of . . . the faster they are going to achieve their dreams and be where they want to be.

And you, by providing great investment opportunities, can help them do just that!

Now it’s time to take action! Join a couple local clubs, assocations, groups and start networking your way to private money success!

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Category: Real Estate Investment Financing Strategies

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  1. Rick S. says:

    Thanks Patrick for the information, the 4th type of person makes perfect sense; sort of the like minds cliche. I appreciate the information your provide as finding private money is a bit challenging in today’s market. The media is scaring everyone and hard money lenders are even coy. Keep up the blogs.

    Happy Investing!!!

  2. Patrick Riddle says:


    Will do . . . thanks man! Just start presenting the presentation to prospects . . .

    Educating your prospects on how your investment program works is half the battle to confronting the media hype. The other half is won through aggressively following up until they invest with you.