Lesson Learned: Don’t be a Motivated Buyer!
Hey, Patrick here…
Today I’m really excited to pull the curtain back on one of our members-only coaching calls and share with you some powerful lessons that one of our coaching students over at Strategic Investment Insider Circle asked during one of our coaching call sessions.
(Side Note: Are you aware that we do monthly Q&A coaching calls with our SIIC students? Anyone who is a member gets direct access to us and can ask whatever the heck real estate investing question they want. Pretty nifty, huh? You should definitely check it out.)
I thought this call-in question would be a great one to pass along to everyone else out there.
Really juicy and valuable lessons ahead.
Here’s a taste of what you’ll hear:
- How to “read the tea leaves” of the remote investing market.
- The inherent danger of being a motivated buyer.
- The problem with properties that have been on MLS for more than six months.
- Importance of weeding out unmotivated sellers.
- How to step back if a deal is not working.
Good stuff, right? Dig in…
By the way, if you don’t have time to listen and would like to have the transcript of this call, you can grab by clicking right here.
Whatcha think?
What did you think about what was shared? Did this create more questions than it answered for you? If so, leave those questions below. Or comments – either one. How about sharing your own experiences in such a situation. Talk to us. We love it.
Category: Negotiating, Real Estate Investment Buying Strategies