Author Archive: JP Moses

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Review of “Inbound Arbitrage” by Rob Swanson

Review of “Inbound Arbitrage” by Rob Swanson

March 21, 2024

Hey there — I have something AWESOME for you today — my very own review of Inbound Arbitrage by Rob Swanson! OK, so what I really mean is Rob and Inbound Arbitrage are awesome, but my review is pretty great, too. ;) JP Moses here… and I just finished an amazing journey working with Rob […]

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Review of “Automatic Payment Pools” by Andy Howard

Review of “Automatic Payment Pools” by Andy Howard

February 29, 2024

Hey there — I have something AWESOME for you today — my very own review of Automatic Payment Pools by Andy Howard. OK, so what I really mean is Andy and Automatic Payment Pools are awesome, but my review is pretty great, too. ;) JP Moses here… and I just finished an amazing journey working […]

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Review of “Paper Flips” by Dolmar Cross

Review of “Paper Flips” by Dolmar Cross

March 9, 2023

Well hello there! Man do I have something awesome for you today — my personal review of Paper Flips by Dolmar Cross. Ok, ok… Dolmar and Paper Flips are the awesome parts, but my review ain’t too shabby ? Hey there, JP with you… I’ve gotta tell you, I just had an awesome journey working […]

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Tax Yields Testimonials

Tax Yields Testimonials

January 14, 2022

Hey there… Coming at you is an incredible unique asymmetric real estate investing opportunity — and honestly: it’s a super-smart idea for both newish and seasoned investors! Check this out… In the warmth and comfort of your home, you can follow along with easy-to-understand, detailed steps of how to systematically find tax-delinquent property lists then […]

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Review of “MicroMarket A.I.” by Ken Wade

Review of “MicroMarket A.I.” by Ken Wade

August 24, 2021

Alright alright alright — I have the goods for you today — my very own review of MicroMarket A.I. by Ken Wade. Uh, well, what I mean is Ken and MicroMarket A.I. are the goods, but my review ain’t too shabby either. ? Hey there, JP Moses here… see, I just finished an incredible journey working […]

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