How to Get a Free Real Estate Investing Mentor
Hey, did you know there’s an EASY way to get a real estate investing mentor… for FREE?
One of our Private Money Blueprint members (who knew absolutely NOTHING about the REI biz) used what you’re about to learn to get an experienced mentor WITHOUT spending a dime. And today, he owns over $8 million dollars worth of real estate.
How to Get A Free Real Estate Investing Mentor
In the video, I break down the step-by-step process that you can follow to get a mentor at no cost.
Check it out below…
Leave your thoughts and questions in the comment area below.
Happy Investing!
– Patrick
Category: Cool Stuff, Tips and Tricks
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Great video, Patrick! I like how you divide mentors into two categories – very true. And, you’re definitely right – having a mentor can really help folks out and speed things up kind of like leverage. I sure have had my share of them, thanks for sharing!
p.s. That’s really cool you have a coffee drink named after you, nice iPhone too!! :)
Hey Rachel, great to hear from ya. Hope things have been going well.
Glad you enjoyed the video. Yeah, I’m loving my iPhone :-)
– Patrick
Hello Patrick. Awsome video and i learnt a lot too.Been trying to figure all this on my own for a long time but kept getting burnt.I want to start investing and was wondering if i could have u as a mentor.My area of interest is wholesaling.Thanks
Hi! Patrick, I love your videos they have a lot of information. But I had a deal where I invested fifty thousand dollars with another investor and all they did was screw me over now I’m left with no money to start over. My husband filed for divorce and froze all of my assets so I’m at the end of my ropes. I have a 12 hr job right now just to make ends meet, and living from paycheck to paycheck. So please I need your help. thank you so much, Angie
Patrick, James Moore here, I love that awsome easy upfront presentation on how to get a mentor for free. I am excited to get started in the real estate world, but here is my problem. funding is the biggest road block that I have. I have been looking at properties coming out my ears, but I really don’t know how to go about getting that first boost. Now that I have watced this presentation, I will get out there and start looking around. I want to hear from you, give me your views. Thank you
Hey James,
On the funding side of things, here’s a great resource for you to check out… it’s a free private money training area…
There are several videos, case studies, resources over there that will help. Start with “Bonus Video 1.”
Hope that helps.
– Patrick
Hey!!! Pat great video I’m ah new booty to the game and I really very interested on my what to do next I also purchase the private money blueprint just having ah bit time getting everything together but thanks for being straight forward with things cod use some guidance if you Dnt mind.
Glad you enjoyed the video.
Alright, congrats on becoming a Private Money Blueprint member. We’re here for your support 100%. Anytime you have a question, shoot it into our member support area at… support [at] privatemoneyblueprint [dot] com.
Start with module 1 of the PMBP system and work on getting those foundational elements down. As you start taking action, let us know how we can help.
– Patrick
Me and my group are looking to establish a relationship with a
successful RE Investor. Our group is multi-talented, comprised of a
professional marketer, residential and commercial appraiser, residential
and commercial mortgage broker, highly experience Realtor and a
seasoned rehabber. We fully expect to share profits as we establish
relationships and learn. Beyond your video, any ideas?
Great Advice! I’ve been unemployed for more than a year and did REI part time and now would like to do it full time, but HAVING NO MONEY (seriously, no money) has been a problem. One Guru after the next offering their help, but it comes at a cost! The advice you offer is fantasic! I just want to learn how to get private financing because I come across opportunities every day (actually) and am sitting 30 days from being foreclosed out of my home and not being able to do one to help my family and I get back to a sense of normal. I wish you continued success and I hope you see this and can help me move to the next phase so that I in turn can be a blessing to someone.
Do you mentor? Also do you partner up on deals?
I agree with Shawn. good advice, I’m trying to do deals & co-wholesale
Patrick, just watched your video..I have been reading about investing in Real estate for years, and I know its a proftitable business, and I even felt your excitement in the video..I want to get started, and im at a point to where I just don’t know what to do. I purchased videos on forclosures, and using unlimited funding, but one thing for me, im a person that honestly doesnt like to read documents, so guess what those courses are just sitting. I want to get out in the field. I am working 2 jobs right now and the 2nd job I want to quit like yesterday, but I need the money to take care of my family. I live here in charleston, sc. So am fimilar with everything you was talking about in the video. I just want to walk through some deals with someone and then have someone hold my hand through a few. Ugggh I just want to get past the 1st deal and get my feet wet!!
Great talk I am a local Fire Chief(James Island) looking to retire and have done a few deals.I need some better ways to find deals. I would love to get together and see what we can do for each other. I would love to help you in any way I can.
Locals helping locals I will buy lunch,coffee or whatever lol
Thanks Richard