Win Over 20 Hours of Real Estate Investing Training & More in the Investor Connect Contest
Welcome to’s first contest . . . Investor Connect!
Soooo, I got the idea for this contest from another blog that I read regularly and thought it would be a fun way to get connected and give away some free stuff.
$ Investor Connect Contest $
The Investor Connect Contest is all about getting real estate investors connected through social media . . . specifically through Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Why You Should Enter Today
= > It’s Free
= > It’s Easy
= > Everybody Is Doing It
= > Time is Running Out (contest closes July 21st)
= > We’re Giving Away Some Really Cool Prizes ($710 Value)
How Do You Win?
All you have to do is take the required steps below and you will be in the running to win. If you want to go above and beyond, I’ve listed some other stuff you can do to “sway” my vote.
Requirements to Enter
1) Contest starts July 14th 2009 and ends on July 21st 2009. You must fulfill all requirements (2 – 6) during that time frame.
2) You must be at least 18 years or older.
3) Follow me on Twitter.
4) Friend me on Facebook.
5) Subscribe to my YouTube channel.
6) Leave a comment on this article and tell me why I should pick you to win the Investor Connect Contest. You can be as genuine as you’d like or feel free to get creative. Also, include everything that you’ve done in your comment as far as requirements and other stuff.
Other Stuff You Can Do to Sway My Vote
7) Retweet the following message,
“RT @PatrickRiddle Win over 20 hours of real estate investing training in the Investor Connect Contest”
All you have to do is click below . . .
8 ) Create a short (60 seconds or less) video explaining why you deserve to win the Investor Connect Contest and upload it to YouTube. Title it “Investor Connect Contest Entry – Your Name”. When you comment below, include the link to the video from YouTube.
9) Include your Facebook and Twitter profile links in your comment so that other investors can connect with you (If I was you I would definitely do this one . . . this could really help to get you connected with other investors . . . which is what this is all about).
10) Connect with other investors that leave their social media links in the comments section below.
11) Share this message with your Facebook friends (just copy and paste),
“Check out this cool contest for real estate investors called Investor Connect”
12) Digg this article.
13) Bookmark this article on Delicious.
14) Check out any real estate investing website or blog owners info that participate. If their site appeals to you, connect with them through their social media links.
(If you own an REI website or blog, you can participate in the Investor Connect Contest too. Info at bottom of article)
14) Surprise me . . . What else can you think of that either shows me why I should pick you or gets the word out further about this contest?
What Can You Win? – > Check Out the Awesome Prizes
1st Place ($587 Value)
**Total Access to Must’s Real Estate Investing Download Library**
Yep, that’s over 20 hours of pure rock solid creative real estate investing content. We cover creative financing strategies, hard money, private money, seller financing, wholesaling, short sales, marketing secrets, advanced asset protection strategies, negotiating techniques and tactics, the 25 biggest mistakes investors make, and SOOOOOO much more!
This is the ultimate creative real estate investing package that will give you the education you need to dominate your competition and capitalize on the HUGE opportunity in today’s market.
**Free 30 Minute Private Phone Consultation with Patrick**
This high velocity call is all about you. You get ALL your questions answered and leave the call with a specific detailed action plan of exactly what you need to do to take your real estate investing game to the next level.
**Unlimited Email Support from the Team**
That’s right! You get unlimited email access and support from us for 60 days. We defined your action plan on our private phone consultation, and we’re here to walk you step by step in order to implement it for an entire two months.
**The Advantage of Real Estate Book**
With eleven real estate investing experts “spilling the beans” about their knowledge and real world experience, you’re bound to get some nuggets out of this one.
2nd Place ($123 Value)
*Quick Start 20 Minute Personal Phone Consultation with Patrick*
This call is designed to give you the “quick start” action plan you need to get your feet off the ground.
*The Advantage of Real Estate book*
Guessing I don’t need to explain this one again . . .
(Plus, we’ll be adding to the prize pool as we get closer to the contest deadline . . . so there’s more to come)
What Now?
Here’s what I’d suggest . . .
Go ahead and take the required steps now! That way, you’ll already be in the running for the prizes. If you choose to do some other stuff between now and the July 21st deadline, update your first comment with an additional comment.
Thanks for your participation and good luck!
Category: Business Management Systems and Tools, Marketing, Negotiating, Personal Development, Property Management, Real Estate Investment Buying Strategies, Real Estate Investment Financing Strategies, Real Estate Investment Selling Strategies, Rehabbing, Tips and Tricks

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- Twitted by LuckyManAtPool | July 14, 2009
- Twitted by PropertySuccess | July 14, 2009
I love it man! Great idea.
Well, I’m over 18 and already following you on twitter, your friend on facebook, and subscribed to your youtube channel (you could say I’m a fan)
So, all that leaves as a requirement is why you should pick me.
Why You Should Pick Me – I think you should pick me because I was already connected to you on all those networks and I’ve been a fan every since I came across your site 6 or 8 months ago and have been telling everyone I know about it.
Even if you don’t pick me, thanks for your hard work! You always give awesome content that you can actually apply which is my favorite thing about your blog.
ps I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Hey Pat as far as the requirements:
2) check
3) check
4) check
5) check
6) You should pick me as the winner because I’m a doer instead of a talker. Awarding first place to someone that will take action and use the prizes should be #1 as far as I’m concerned. I’m hungry, motivated, and will do whatever it takes to become a successful real estate investor(as long as it’s ethical). I will become one of your best testimonials!
Thanks for your consideration and I’ll be doing some of the other stuff too but I’m at work right now so I have to go.
Hey guys,
Thanks for entering The Investor Connect Contest!
Remember to come back and leave your social media links (Facebook and Twitter) if you want to network and connect with other investors.
~ Patrick
this is a very good idea and the price affordable
now who wouldnt like to take advantage of this opportunity
thank you
Wow great contest. Thanks for putting this together.
I’ve got steps 2 to 5 done.
You should pick me because I’m already actively buying properties and could use the info right now. I want the download library! I’m pretty well versed in many aspects of real estate investing but am always looking to learn more.
Well that was easy. Looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.
Hey Patrick,
Nice going again with being creative and making things happen. I think you should pick me because I am organizing an REIBlitz where I or my business partner will be interviewing 11 Real Estate Gurus across the country and I will be contacting you to see if you’d like to be 1 of the 11 guru’s interviewed.
These interviews will be broadcast to over 100k people who are in the investing arena. How is that for connection and exposure for you?
Hey Patrick!
I see you doing your thing. Great work! After, that’s what’s all about. Social Marketing, Social Marketing and Social Marketing. More and more I start seeing many people emphasizing the importance of social marketing and how that relates to us in the real estate market. As you already know, I am totally new to this industry. I get so loaded with information that it becomes useless to me in the sense that I don’t know what to follow or where to go with so many leads. Buy hey, that’s newbies. I am sure you can relate to that as well. Well, looking forward to the challenge of the contest. By the way, don’t think you in it all alone. I am going for it too. LOL C-ya there!
.-= Freddie´s last blog ..Cash Home Properties! =-.
I wanted to say a big thank you for your kindness and generosity to the real estate investing community. You are doing great things here!
I think there are people out there that need this more than me so don’t pick me. I already have a couple courses that I purchased recently so I’m still working on getting through them.
I look forward to seeing how it goes. Have a blessed day :)
I would like to be chosen as the winner of this competition, because I believe that this would push me over the bump in the road that I currently stand at.
I have been reading and using all of the great information that you and Trevor put together for all of us. Thank y’all for all of the help that you provide for us.
I once read something that you emailed where you said that your mentor told you that he wanted you to help other investors getting started. Just as you are helping all of us, this is the way that I want to give back to other investors also.
Until I found your website I was constantly drug into sites of limited information where it was just another thousand dollar program.
The information that y’all provide is solid and true, and I appreciate all of it.
Thank you,
Facebook – Dustin Pych
Twitter – Dustin_p
You Tube – Dustinpy
Email/Gmail Chat – [email protected]
Thanks for the contest entries everyone! I can already tell that it’s gonna be tough deciding who to pick …
Claire, that was very sweet of you to say. I appreciate it!
Rickey and Dustin, glad to see you guys throwing your social media links in there …
~ Patrick
Great idea, Patrick! It’s awesome how you incentivize people to get off their butts, meet other people, and take the action steps necessary to become successful real estate investors by offering them free material and knowledge that you’ve spent thousands of hours gaining. I gotta give you props, my man! Thanks from all of us!
I’ll be sure to get my entry in right away!
Wow Patrick. not only are you full of knowledge. You also are willing to help others that are trying to get a start in the business just like me! I must say as a former mortgage broker here in Michigan, I thought I know the industry inside out! In the last two years though, I have found out that I am like a child in the middle of the sea by myself. Without companies like your’s, I don’t know where I would be. After totally losing everything, and having to start all over with a wife, and 5-girls, this is the breath of fresh air that I needed! Without question, I feel that I deserve a chance to become one of your student’s, because I am a quick learner, I can follow directions, I have a inner-drive (as a minister, husband,father, and a now unemployed man in Michigan (with the highest unemployment rate in the country). I know that this will work for those that are willing to be taught, and I am one of those!Remember this though, I will be successful, no matter who is chosen, because I believe in myself! Thank-you, for the opportunity and God bless!
hello:Patrick I like your Video I would like to be one of the winner in this contest i donot have a load of money to buy your program.thank you.
I read every single thing you send me and watch the videos and check out your other online venues. Very creative idea
and I appreciate the info sent my way. Some folks make you pay for that content! I’m actively participating in commercial real estate and multi families in the greater Boston area.
Hey Patrick,
There should be more entries for this sweet give-away. Count me in man. The education NEVER stops.
I was thinking about filming a short vid for this entry last week, so I could keep you updated on my progress. I was trying to close on my first real estate transaction. The deal kind of fell through, on a part of the seller.
I was going to net 18k, 18 days after turning 18 years old. You like how I set that up, don’t you. But it’s all good. You’ll have to help me think of something bigger for the next one.
For the PMBP contest, I was still 17!!
You already know it. My success in this biz, and reality shift, will be a result of guys like yourself, giving away MASSIVE Value.
Hey guys,
Wanted to say a big “THANK YOU!” to all of my retweeters (RTs) during the contest so far.
You all are awesome! – 2,473 followers – 10,082 followers (2 RTs) – 1,132 followers – 3,849 followers(4 RTs … Thanks dude!) – 30 followers – 2,050 followers – 9 followers – 7,325 followers – 7,334 followers – 68 followers – 43 followers – 8,192 followers – 266 followers – 76 followers – 7,390
Thanks everybody!
Let’s sum it up …
This message, “Win over 20 hours of real estate investing training in the Investor Connect Contest” was retweeted to a grand total of …
71,948 PEOPLE!!
That’s incredible … how about a little challenge …. let’s see if we can get it over 100K before the contest ends …. contest ends July 21st at midnight.
Good luck to all that entered the contest!
~ Patrick
Great contest! The lucky winners would receive all of this extremely valuable information, and it also gives everyone the opportunity to connect with many real estate investors at once… priceless :)
Everytime I read the articles, watch a video, etc., that Patrick and Trevor have done it motivates me. Having access to Patrick’s knowledge and expertise would be a tremendous advantage.
Patrick takes the time to encourage and help others, because he wants everyone to be as successful as he is in real estate investing. It encourages many others to do the same.
I have completed steps 2 through 6. I would like to connect with other real estate investors as well. I am listed on the following sites if you want to add me to your list:
Twitter – realdealgirl
Facebook – realdealgirl
email: [email protected]
YouTube – TheRealdealgirl
Digg – realdelagirl
Delicious – realdealgirl
I’m over 18 and already following you on twitter, your friend on facebook, and I just subscribed to your youtube channel.
Pick me because I am a full time real estate investor who needs to get a system working. I’ve been investing in Real Estate for 3 years, but got caught in the market change. It caught me pretty hard.
I think Charleston is the coolest city. My daughter is moving there in less than a month. My sister and her family live there and have been there for about 10 years. Visiting and looking over the ocean is the greatest.
Basically; You Should Pick Me.
You should give it to me because I REALLY need it! Thanks.
I’m a newbie, broke, and need all of the help I can get to stay solvent.
please contact me about your mentoring/coaching
763-202-7128 763-221-1826
you may have tryed once before {sorry if you did}
thank you
Hey Patrick,
Another solid contest man! I’ve completed the 6 initial requirements for the contest, along with retweeting the contest on my twitter page, including my fb/twitter/youtube links below, connected with other investors who have displayed their links, posted the link to this page on my fb profile page, and connected with some other investors via their social media sites.
One other thing that has worked really well for me locally is to get on the local REIA group’s “meetup” page (below). I’ve been able to send direct e-mails to over 60 local investors (you’re limited to sending 12 e-mails a day, but I’ll eventually get to all 155) to gain a better understanding of their business model & how we might be able to benefit each other in our real estate investing businesses. I’ve had some pretty big success already – found 2 hard money lenders, 1 potential private money lender, several rockstar realtors, and added dozens of investors to my buyers list!
You know I’m a sponge for knowledge & will take massive action with your teachings & mentoring advice!
Thanks for all the entries … I’ll be unveiling the winners tomorrow :)
As of yesterday at 4:35 pm, this message “Win over 20 hours of real estate investing training in the Investor Connect Contest”
… had been retweeted (twitter lingo) to a grand total of
71,948 PEOPLE!!
I gave a challenge in my comment above to see if we could hit 100K people by the end of the contest … well, it’s about that time. Let’s see where we’re at.
These are additional retweets since yesterday’s comment … – 3,879 followers (4 more RTs for a grand total of 8!) – 108 followers – 1,717 followers – 7,956 followers (2 RTs) – 59 followers – 1,658 followers – 1 follower (welcome to Twitter Tim!)
For a grand total of … drum roll please …
98,963 People!
There’s still a little time, sometime else retweet the message above (you can just click on the twitter image in the article above) and help us hit 100K by midnight.
~ Patrick
Hi Patrick,
Well I follow you on Twitter, Befriended you on Facebook, Subscribed to your You Tube Channel and Retweeted you on Twitter. Wow ! I would Love to win the contest because my wife has been a real estate agent for 25 years and every time I bring up that I want to start investing for us, she laughs at me and tells me that I could never succeed at it ! I know I can do it, and I would love to prove her wrong. I used to be a winner in life. I made some investments with friends I trusted and was ripped off. I gave my ex-wife our home and the rest of what I had left which was $200,000.00. I had invested $300,000.00 with one friend and lost it, and $500,000.00 with another friend. When I divorced my ex I just wanted peace and thought I was getting paid. I didn’t. He got 14 years, I lost everything. It affected my health and my attitude about myself. I got so low that I had to get food stamps and beg for enough money from the state to just get by. Recently, the old winner in me started getting restless. I knew I wanted to do something. All I need is a break ! Despite how my present wife feels, I know I can do anything I put my mind to. That’s the way I always was until I screwed up and trusted my friends. Anyway, regardless of whether I win or not, I think it’s cool that your’e offering this training to someone. I know that whoever wins can use the training and the association with you to make their dreams come true. Thanks Patrick and my Best Wishes to you and yours. Ed
Patrick,I need a good teacher and i seem to connect really well with you.I know a little bit about everything and just enough to be dangerous.I try and duplicate what i like but often get side tracked.I work 2 jobs now and am verily existing.I need just one to put all i have into it.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
and cant remember the you tube one.Would try and attempt a video,but its late and have to get to bed and rest for my 5am job.Its 11 now.Theres lots of good applicants here,but im the one that will get the most out of your prizes.
Dean P.P I meet all your requirements…
Hey Patrick,
Sorry I have responded as of yet, I have been dealing with severe illnesses in my household! My children are beginning to improve. I am sure can understand that when they get sick, nothing is more important! The best times for me to be contacted is anytime! I am on the EST., and I will be waiting to hear from you soon!