Pimp My Leftover Leads

August 11, 2015 | By | Reply More

If you can’t take the heat, get your butt outta the kitchen!

So the saying goes, and man oh man are we cooking up something hot, hot, hot today in the world of Must Know Investing.

I’m thrilled to say that today we have something uber special in store for you. My good buddy, my fellow blogger, expert podcaster, real estate guru and dear friend, JP Moses, is in the house today to share with us some fresh ideas to help you grow your business.

Why are you hearing from JP?

I think the better question is… why not?

JP’s an expert in the REI biz, he’s one heck of a great guy, and I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with him for many years now, so I can personally speak to his experience, knowledge, extreme positive attitude and ethical, honest way of doing business.

He’s one guy we can all benefit from getting to know a bit more, and going forward, JP will be an integral part of the awesomeness we put forth to you regularly at Must Know Investing.

So without further ado, let’s hear from the one and only JP Moses!

From JP…

Ever had a light bulb moment? Of course you have!

But how many times have you taken the time to share those moments of clarity and discovery with others? We can all benefit from those “a-ha” moments, and I’m here today to share one of those with you in the hopes of changing the way you do business… for the better.

I’ve been wholesaling houses in the Memphis area for more than 15 years, and I have been involved in more than 400 transactions to date. I’ve learned a ton over the years from both successes and failures in the school of hard knocks.

Even now, a decade plus into my career, I think to myself, “Why didn’t I do that before?”

I call it the light bulb affect.

Becoming the path of least resistance

I’ve asked other investors how often they get calls from zip codes they’re not interested in. I ask all the time actually. In fact, if I had a dime for every time I’ve asked that question… well, you know the rest.

My point is, I’ve asked this question for years without ever thinking that maybe I could be the guy to take those not so attractive zip codes off my fellow investors’ hands.

exUm, hello!? Ding, ding, ding!

Why not ask your investor friends and colleagues if they would mind referring those zip codes to you that are of no use to them? I mean, someone should get some action, right?

Ask if you can take those unwanted zips off their hands and offer to pay a referral fee (I suggest $1,500 if you can swing it).

In other words, ask if you can pimp their leftover leads.

Someone else’s trash can and should be your treasure, so connect with other local investors. Find out what deals they don’t want, then just ask them to send their leftovers to you! It’s really that simple.

You CAN become someone else’s path of least resistance. Turn those dead leads into live and active leads and start making more money!

But remember, you need to deal with investors who are targeting specific geographic criteria to make powerful, profitable arrangements quickly.

A few fast and furious tips

  • Be friendly and remember there are NO frenenies
  • Be able to move quickly once those leads that come your way
  • Move with urgency always
  • Be able to close and close quickly
  • Don’t be a dirtbag
  • Be honest with people, be real and be respectful
  • Don’t “accidentally” let your referring partner know you did a deal
  • Maintain full disclosure on deals you close
  • Always follow up with your investors to remind them of the zips they DON’T want
  • Remind your fellow investors that this is a win/win strategy for you both!

Steps you can implement right now

Start reaching outdirectly, personally, to every local investor you know by calling or meeting them for coffee, tea, whatever.

Just get to know them, build strong rapport and ask engaging questions to uncover their deal criteria.

Then BAM!

Make the win/win offer with confidence. You’ll soon be able to become intentional about this method in your day to day marketing.

Well, that’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon to partner up with my amigo and fellow investor, Patrick Riddle, to bring you more awesome insight into the world of real estate investing.

As Patrick says, stay classy… and in my own words… always strive to be an all-around good guy and always kiss like it’s your last day on earth.

jp-signatureGot anything to say?

Got any questions or comments for me? I’d love to hear from you in the comments section below.


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