Tag: private money blue print
How To Prevent Private Money Lenders From Backing Out
Have you ever had a private lender commit funds to you… only to get cold feet and back out of the deal?If so, you’re not alone. It happens to many of us. After a couple lenders backed out on me early on in my career leaving me high and dry, I finally learned how to handle this problem […]
Continue Reading »Re: Does PMBP really work?
I got an email the other day with the subject line, “Does PMBP really work?.” I get this question a lot (or some version of it). So, to give you an answer if it’s on your mind too, check out the pics below. This is a small collection of unsolicited emails, Facebook messages, and other […]
Continue Reading »What to Do When They Say “No” (Step by Step)
You could be leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars (maybe even millions!) on the table with your private lending prospects … IF you don’t have an effective follow up system in place. Answer this for me … What are you doing with your private money prospects when they say, “No” or “I’m not interested right […]
Continue Reading »How to Turn Wannabe Real Estate Investors Into Private Money Lenders
Have you been to your local REIA (real estate investment association) meeting before? If so, how many of those people do you think are actually investing? I’ve found that typically, the room is split 70/30 … 70 percent (and sometimes even as high as 80% or more ) are wannabe real estate investors … they’ve […]
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